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대표 송지은

About Us

대표 송지은 (인)
갤러리 도장.png

The 병원 安 갤러리, named ART VACCINE in English, was inspired by the concept of combining a hospital, which treats pa/ents, with a gallery that heals the mind through art. The term ‘安’ was added with the hope that people would feel comfortable coming to and from both a gallery and a hospital. Established in January 2021, ART VACCINE aims to touch the hearts of art lovers who are tired of the monotony of daily life. To comfort and heal the mind through art, the concept of an ‘art vaccine’ was created to boost artistic immunity.

It is a multifaceted cultural space that offers three unique services: exhibi/ons and sales of works by contemporary artists, personalized art prescrip/ons tailored to match your mood, and sweets prescrip/ons to upliW your mind with delighXul drinks. Additionally, a mini garden serves as a res/ng place where nature contributes to your healing.

Furthermore, to pursue harmony between life and art, we will strive to discover and nurture local artists. Also, through regular exhibitions and engaging in public art projects, it endeavors to make art more accessible to a broader audience.

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